Lc Kids

“Train up a child in the way they should go and when they are older they will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

Each week, our Children are able to engage in worship and God’s Word in an age appropriate environment. Each child will be empowered through interactive worship and hands on learning of God’s Word. We believe that we are a dying Church if we fail to reach the next generation and give immense effort to prioritize and lead our Children in relationship with the Lord. 

Meet our incredible LC kids director, Ashley!

LC Kids is led by Director Ashley Talcott, a wife, mom, educator and ministry leader whose love for kids is infectious. You’ll instantly love Ashley and her beautiful family as you bring your kids to experience the love of Jesus through the LC Kids Ministry!

Bringing my sons to LC Kids is not only a highlight of our week, but my kids are learning Scripture and can’t wait to tell us what they learned in church every week. We are so grateful to Ashley and her team for creating an environment for our kids to grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus and His love!

Todd and Elaine

Take a peek at some of our LC Kids experiences!

Join our LC Kids Team!

LC Kids is always growing and if you have a passion for kids, we are the team for you! Each of our team members are background checked, trained and equipped to lead. We serve on a regular rotation so you will have the opportunity to serve and also still experience the worship service. If you’re interested in joining the LC Kids Team, simply fill out the form below and we’ll get you started on the process of becoming a team member!