Our Beliefs

Our Beliefs

All About Love

We believe it is all about love, was all about love from the beginning, and will always be all about love. “In the beginning…” We were created for relationship with God and to be the family of God. When sin entered the world it separated the family of God. But, “God so loved the World…” that He sent Jesus to die for us and pay the debt of our sin so His family could be restored and His Love could be extended to all those who would accept it. 


We believe that He has given us the victory, but that it shows up one step of obedience at a time. 

Our Testimony

It is our testimony, or story, that God uses to tear down strongholds in another’s life. We believe that God is the Alpha and Omega, beginning and the end, and the author of our story. We know that He works all things for our good, so if it’s not good yet, it’s not over!

Extension of Love

We believe that as a Christian, we are to be God’s extension of Love to the world around us.

Spiritual Accomplishments

We believe we accomplish that through the power of the Holy Spirit that lives within us and bears fruit in our lives. 


We believe that He has given us the victory, but that it shows up one step of obedience at a time. 

Moving Mountains

We believe that we can speak to the mountain and command it to move, but if it doesn’t, we know He will teach us to climb one step at a time.  

Meeting Needs

We believe that meeting a need opens a heart. As we meet the needs of those around us, one act of love at a time, their hearts become open so that God can do the healing work in their life that only God can do.